Fillipe Mendel was born on February 24, 1991 in the city of Cubato-SP, a family of Jews and Portuguese with a strong influence on music since he was a child.He started studying piano at the age of 9. He studied at the Municipal Conservatory of Cubato piano and saxophone. He studied conducting at the Dramatic and Musical Conservatory Dr. Carlos de Campos in Tatuí-SP.He worked as a pianist at the Municipal Conservatory of Cubato from 2011 to 2013.Fillipe Mendel was regent at the Baptist Church from 2011-2015 doing the works Requiem in D minor K.626 Mozart WA, Stabat Mater G. Rossini and other Christian works and cantatas. He was titular pianist of the Presbyterian Church of Cubato from 2005 to 2016, besides teacher of singing and teacher.Since 2016 he has been a titular pianist of the Evangelical Choir of Santos, working with sacred works by renowned composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, L. Beethoven, JS Bach, A. Vivaldi, F. Handel, G. Rossini, John W. Faustini and other composers. He also works as a music arranger for choral, orchestra and other groups (Hide extended text) ... (Read all)