Keyes, KristopherKristopher Keyes
États-Unis États-Unis
9 partitions - 1 MIDI

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Kristopher Keyes
Kristopher Keyes (1993 - )
États-Unis États-Unis
Inscrit sur le site depuis 19/08/2011
A propos de l'artiste
I am an amateur pianist and composer. I have been playing since I was eight and composing since I was eighteen. I write music in the classical genre, taking inspiration from the composers of the "Common Practice" period (e.g. Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, etc.). Music should sound pleasing, and I strive to manifest that in my compositions. There is a lot of noise in this age; perhaps a little simplicity is what we need.
Enjoy and please comment! Soli Deo Gloria.
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