Christian, Lawrence
4 partitions - 2 MIDI


Membres Historiques Tous

"Depuis 20 ans nous fournissons un service libre et légal de téléchargement de partitions gratuites.

Si vous utilisez et appréciez, merci d'envisager un don de soutien."

A propos / Témoignages de membres

Lawrence Christian
Lawrence Christian (1991 - )
États-Unis États-Unis
Inscrit sur le site avant 2010
A propos de l'artiste
Lawrence Christian lives in Washington State in the US. He plays a 120-bass piano accordion and the keyboard, and would like to learn how to play a B-bayan. Not much of a composer, he prefers arranging hymns and folk songs, and is very interested in classical music . He speaks English y un poco español.
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What kind of accordion?

Ecrit le 2009-11-30 par
Just a question for all of the accordionists/ bayanists out there: which is better, a full-sized bayan or a 45-key piano accordion? If bayans are better, should I get a C or a B? I currently play a 41-key piano accordion w/Stradella bass, but I'm interested in classical music ( organ stuff, chamber music, & other free-bass stuff.) What's best?