His next teacher introduced him the wonderful world of the Blues, which still influences him alot. Today, a little less wilder, he's slowing down in musical tastes. At the age of fifteen, he moved to Portugal where he resides. Guitar teacher for many years, he's instructed many youngsters in his area. Founding member of the Orquestra Ligeira de Gouveia, (Big Band of Gouveia), where he plays guitar and is the singer, he is also the founder of the Guitar Ensemble of the Serra, a pet project where he joins students and friends. Currently, he's in his second year of his Music degree in ESEC, Coimbra, Portugal. " />

David, Fidalgo
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Fidalgo David
Fidalgo David (1974 - )
Portugal Portugal
Inscrit sur le site depuis 03/03/2010
A propos de l'artiste
Born in Australia, David started playing at the age of 8. While learning flamenco and classical guitar at the "Sydney School of Guitar", he started to like other forms of music, mainly Rock & Metal.
His next teacher introduced him the wonderful world of the Blues, which still influences him alot. Today, a little less wilder, he's slowing down in musical tastes. At the age of fifteen, he moved to Portugal where he resides. Guitar teacher for many years, he's instructed many youngsters in his area. Founding member of the Orquestra Ligeira de Gouveia, (Big Band of Gouveia), where he p
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