• Date de parution : 02/05/2015
  • ISBN : 9790041412047


Violon et Piano

Éditeur : Ricordi
Référence : NR 14120400

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Description :

The Cantabile in D major for violin and piano (M.S. 109) is one of Paganini's most popular and famous compositions. This brief piece - a short tripartite 'aria variata' - is particularly spontaneous and lighthearted, reminiscent of the lyrical nature of the Italian bel canto tradition. It has an intimate feel to it, bringing us closer to this composer from Genoa.
The main aim of this critical edition, based on the autograph source held at the Casanatense Library in Rome and collated with all the key printed editions, is to provide both performers and scholars with a text containing a philologically authoritative original reading.

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