Steven Z. Eckels: First Lessons Fingerstyle Guitar: Guitar: Instrumental Tutor
Instrument :GUITARE
Instrumentation : Guitare notes et tablatures
Editeur : Mel Bay
Description de chez Musicroom UK
This book provides the perfect introduction to playing fingerstyle Guitar. National Board certified educator Steve Eckels has carefully designed each lesson to allow for smooth progression. Each of the tenlessons contains the four pillars of practice: scales reading progressions and repertoire. Developed in the classroom this book provides arrangements of beautiful Guitar pieces in a basic form and instructions for how toembellish them in your own way. Included are shortcuts for learning to read music and fingerstyle accompaniment patterns such as the famous 'Travis' pattern. Those seeking further study will also enjoy Eckels''Modern Fingerstyle Guitar Method Grade 1' and other acclaimed folios. This book includes access to online audio.
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Steven Z. Eckels: First Lessons Fingerstyle Guitar: Guitar: Instrumental Tutor
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