Bob Brozman: Bob Brozman's Bottleneck Blues Guitar: Guitar: Instrumental Tutor
Instrument :GUITARE
Genre(s) : BLUES
Instrumentation : Guitare
Compositeur/artiste : Bob Brozman
Editeur : Alfred Publishing
Description de chez Musicroom UK
Acoustic Masters-Bob Brozman is the contempory master of bottleneck blues guitar. In this book he guides you from basic licks and techniques through the subtle complexities of country blues rhythm. All music is written in standard notation and tablature including complete transcriptions of Terraplane Blues Moon Goin' Down and Rhythm In The Blues. CD included Turnarounds Bottleneck techniques Blue notes Open G tuning Right hand techniques Blue licks and phrases Authentic blues rhythm Harmonics Robert Johnson Willie Brown and Son House Styles Standard Notation and guitar tablature
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Musicroom :
Bob Brozman: Bob Brozman's Bottleneck Blues Guitar: Guitar: Instrumental Tutor
19.75 GBP - Expédié d'Angleterre

LMI-Partitions : En Stock Fournisseur (3-6 jours)
Bottleneck Blues Guitar Brozman (BROZMAN BOB)
32.20 EUR - Expédié de France

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