John Coltrane: Giant Steps For Guitar: Guitar Solo: Backing Tracks
Instrument :GUITARE - CD inclus
Instrumentation : Guitare notes et tablatures
Compositeur/artiste : John Coltrane
Editeur : Hal Leonard
Niveau :
Description de chez Musicroom UK
In Giant Steps For Guitar Wolf Marshall takes an in-depth look at the Coltrane classic from a guitarist's point of view.Topics covered include a comprehensive harmonic analysis and informative history of 'Giant Steps' melodic patterns in linear and positional form rhythmic patterns and variations ii-V and turnaround ideas chordal studies model solos and much more.The accompanying CD includes audio demonstrations of most figures as well as accompanying tracks in various tempos over which to practice.
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Musicroom : En Stock (24 heures)
John Coltrane: Giant Steps For Guitar: Guitar Solo: Backing Tracks
19.99 GBP - Expédié d'Angleterre

LMI-Partitions : En Stock Fournisseur (3-6 jours)
Giant Steps
24.70 EUR - Expédié de France

Woodbrass : Sur commande
Wolf Marshall Giant Steps For Guitar - Guitar
24.99 EUR - Expédié de France

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